Frequently Asked
To check phone number and cell phone compatibility with our services, you can use the following page:
Phone and Number Compatibility
To fix data-related issues with your phone after setup, you can use the following page:
Network Settings (APN)
Yes you can!
We can transfer over your phone number at the end of the process after the plan setup is complete.
We can transfer over your phone number at the end of the process after the plan setup is complete.
You do not have to get a contract or tab to get these plans. You can get them BYOD (Bring Your Own Device).
If you want to get a tab or contract, it can only be done when you sign up for the initial plan in store.
It cannot be done afterwards.
If you want to get a tab or contract, it can only be done when you sign up for the initial plan in store.
It cannot be done afterwards.
The plans that are offered here have pricing that is usually only available in certain provinces in Canada. This is due to regional carrier competition.
The offerings from Cellsavings, the Cellphone man, and some others are very similar. We all have generally the same methodology of acquiring these great deals on cell phone plans, the difference is in the level of service and the setup fee.
Yup! Be sure to download the right instructions for a new phone number (Teal plans), or message me letting me know.
After the plan is set up, don't forget to confirm your number with them with the email they sent you after signing up.
The Koodo Refer-A-Friend process can take up to a month to apply towards your bill balance.
Update: Lately the referral program company has been iffy on granting referral bonuses. Don't count on it, just see it as a bonus. The Refer-A-Friend program is not run by me nor Koodo.
The Koodo Refer-A-Friend process can take up to a month to apply towards your bill balance.
Update: Lately the referral program company has been iffy on granting referral bonuses. Don't count on it, just see it as a bonus. The Refer-A-Friend program is not run by me nor Koodo.
This doesn't change much. You can still get these plans.
Follow the instuctions based on your plan and the carrier you're currently with.
Follow the instuctions based on your plan and the carrier you're currently with.
Carriers now have one-time "connection fees" on the first bill. These are usually around $30. The first bill also includes partial billing from the date that you started until the date that I changed your plan.
Koodo/Telus also bills one cycle ahead for the first bill, so you may have one and a half bills in one.
It is also possible that you were double billed. Because of the amount of account changes we make in the waiting period, it can confuse the accountants who make your bill. Rest assured that your next bill will be fixed.
Koodo/Telus also bills one cycle ahead for the first bill, so you may have one and a half bills in one.
It is also possible that you were double billed. Because of the amount of account changes we make in the waiting period, it can confuse the accountants who make your bill. Rest assured that your next bill will be fixed.
Koodo is a subsidiary of Telus. Telus and Bell share the same network towers across Canada. You can expect quality and lightning fast speeds wherever LTE-Advanced is available.
There are no zones unlike Freedom or Chatr.
You can see the coverage maps here (they are the same):
Telus Coverage Map
Koodo Coverage Map
There are no zones unlike Freedom or Chatr.
You can see the coverage maps here (they are the same):
Telus Coverage Map
Koodo Coverage Map
These practices have been going on since 2013, and have made several news headlines.
They are currently grey-area, and Telus (Koodo) doesn't take action because it still generates revenue and subscribers for them.
They are currently grey-area, and Telus (Koodo) doesn't take action because it still generates revenue and subscribers for them.
Due to rising costs in real estate, having a store would be costly. The majority of the process is done online anyway.
The process can usually take 0-30 days from the date that you activate the plan at the store. It depends on the billing cycle of the account you set up. The sooner you submit your info to the submission link, the sooner we can get started setting up your account.
Among my most comparable competitors, I have the lowest setup fee in the market currently, which is $50, $60, $70, $80, or $120 per line depending on which plan you choose.
This can be paid through a PayPal link which I will provide you after the setup which I prefer the most.
You can also pay the fee through an Interac bank eTransfer, or by Bitcoin (upon request).
This can be paid through a PayPal link which I will provide you after the setup which I prefer the most.
You can also pay the fee through an Interac bank eTransfer, or by Bitcoin (upon request).
It used to be that it was mandatory to sign up for a plan with a phone number from one of these provinces.
Now just make sure if you get a plan with a phone number from NS, NB, NL, QC, or PEI, you let me know in advance.
Now just make sure if you get a plan with a phone number from NS, NB, NL, QC, or PEI, you let me know in advance.
A port is the process of bring a phone number from one cell carrier to another.
Numbers can only be with one carrier at a time.
Numbers can only be with one carrier at a time.
Yes. Do not falsify any current information that could be found on your ID when you talk to anyone from the carriers.
The only way is to set it up in carrier store/reseller location.
Nope. Once the phone number is ported to your plan, it automatically cancels your old plan with your old carrier and any remaining balance on the account will appear on your next final bill from them.
These plans use the Rogers network in Canada, and the AT&T network in the US. You can expect full Rogers LTE-A speeds wherever Rogers has coverage in Canada, and full LTE-A speeds in the states, wherever AT&T has coverage.
You can see the coverage maps here:
Rogers Coverage Map
AT&T Coverage Map
You can see the coverage maps here:
Rogers Coverage Map
AT&T Coverage Map
Yes. If you take advantage of it though and use it as a replacement for your home internet with 10 people using it, then prepare to be throttled. For the average joe though, using your hotspot, watching youtube videos, or scrolling through memes on your instagram feed is not an issue.
The process can usually take 0-20 days from the date that you submit your form request and pay the setup fee upfront.Depending on how remote you live in Canada, it may take longer than usual to receive the SIM from Canada Post. The sooner you submit the form, the sooner we can get started setting up your account.
These plans have unlimited roaming without any roaming fees in Canada, USA, and Mexico.
The plans will not work outside these three countries.
The plans will not work outside these three countries.
All trademarks appearing on this site are the property of their respective owners. Koodo is a trademark owned by TELUS Corporation. This site or I am in no way affiliated with Koodo or the TELUS Corporation.